
There are currently no volunteer positions available with Welbodi Partnership. 
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in discussing future opportunities.

All volunteer positions will be posted here and advertised via our mailing list.
Please sign up with your email address to hear about opportunities first.

Welbodi Partnership engages volunteers in both the United Kingdom and Sierra Leone, here are some examples of what we might be looking for:

Overseas volunteers based in Sierra Leone: 
• Nursing / Midwifery / Medical doctor – experience in providing education / training is preferred 
• Public Health / Hospital management / Information and data management / HR management 
• Minimum of 3 years post-qualification experience in high-functioning health system 
• Previous overseas experience is preferred, but not always necessary depending on the role 
• Minimum 6 month commitment - occasionally we may require technical assistance for shorter periods 

We will also consider hosting self-funded volunteers on placements as short as 3 months where there is a good skills match and identified need at the placement hospital.

UK-based volunteers:

• Social media / marketing / fundraising
• Background in development or health - including clinical and public health
• Minimum 3 month commitment for 5 hours / week

Sierra Leonean volunteers:

• English language written and oral / IT literacy
• Volunteers will receive a travel allowance and daily stipend

Welbodi Partnership will consider hosting overseas graduate trainees on a case by case basis.
Welbodi Partnership actively recruits Sierra Leoneon diaspora.